Tuesday, June 24, 2014

10 Tips: How to be Better for Your Next Job Interview

10 Tips: How to be Better for Your Next Job Interview

Written by

Mohammed Shirajum Monir
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Web: msmonir.webs.com

How to be Better for Your Next Job Interview

1.      Do your research: Know some things about the company. www.google.com would be your great friend.
2.      Dress and groom appropriately: Know the culture of the place that you are interviewing for and try to dress appropriately.
3.      Be early, but never too early: Never arrive more than 15-20 minutes before an interview.
4.      Let your personality shine: Interviewers take notice of your personality and who you are as a person. So be yourself.
5.      Pay Attention to Body Language: making eye contact with the interviewer,
6.      Don't Lie, but you can be IMAGINATIVE: Sometimes interviewers will ask you things to throw you off. They are probably testing your problem solving abilities, response to pressure, and communication skills. Instead of thinking about being right, think about being creative and coming up with an answer.
7.      Don't Talk Too Much: Keep answers to the point. Provide substance when needed.
8.      Ask the right questions: Make your questions worthwhile.
9.      Send a thank-you note: Thank you notes show the interviewer that you have an interest in the position, and these are also a nice gesture. People like feeling appreciated.
10.   Use the STAR method to guide your answers: This simple formula ensures that you accurately describe your experiences and highlight the results they provided. The STAR method includes,
   S: The Situation – describe it
   T: The Task or problem – what dilemma or problem did you face?
   A: The Action – what action did you take?
   R: The Result – what was the result of your action?