Sunday, July 13, 2014

Difference between Effective manager and Efficient manager

Difference between Effective manager and Efficient manager

In this writing I am going to describe the differences between Effective manager and Efficient manager. I hope this would help you.

Effective manager: a manager who helps others achieve high performance and satisfaction in their work. An effective manager has high effectiveness in management. Effectiveness refers to the total output generated. An effective manager is slightly different from the efficient one. The effective manager focuses on productivity rather than increased/balanced profitability. An effective manager is someone who leads, coordinates and filters various activities of the sub-ordinates and decides an appropriate mechanism to work upon. An effective manager usually works without any constraints such as funds, manpower etc. The focus always implies on better management practices and in turn, better output.

An efficient Manager:

  • Does the right things.
  • Applies knowledge.
  • Works smarter.
  • Exploits opportunities.
  • Sees an opportunity in every problem.
  • Interprets data.
  • Makes money.
  • Optimizes profit

Efficient Manager: An efficient manager has high efficiency. Efficiency refers to the economy in use of resources for performing a task. An efficient manager is one who uses limited resources available viz., time, material and men to get the job done in a more professional manner. An efficient manager would keep the business running even in dire circumstances. An efficient manager:

  • Does things right.
  • Acquires knowledge. 
  • Works harder. 
  • Solves problems. 
  • Sees a problem in every opportunity. 
  • Collects data. 
  • Saves money. 
  • Maximizes profit.

That's all for this note. I would be happy to get feedback. 

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